Potenziale in digitalen Arbeitswelt entfalten
My Mission and Why
“Empowering businesses and individuals to thrive in the era of AI and digital transformation” – this is my mission and passion.
I help managers, teams, and individuals navigate a world defined by rapid change and technological innovation, unlocking their full potential to achieve success. Together, we build the essential digital skills, methodologies, and technological understanding needed to excel. I operate at the intersection of business and technology, effectively bridging the gap between these domains by “translating” their distinct languages and requirements.
I strictly focus on results, practical use cases and methodology you can implement easily in your daily work and business.

Nadine Soyez
Nadine Soyez has been a Management Consultant since 2005. She has many years of experience as a senior project manager and as a senior consultant in international distributed teams and projects in well-known management and IT consultancies and in groups. Her passion and mission are to help companies, leaders, teams to succeed in the digital work environment by redefining collaboration, leadership, and developing the necessary digital skills.
Deutsche Bahn
Deutsche Bundesbank
Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund Rechtsschutz (DGB)
Dr. Schneider
Forum Institut Management
Dr. Schneider
Messer Group
Stadtwerke München
Various plublications including:

Articles in the Harvard Business Manager
„Ängste vor der Digitalisierung nehmen“
November 2020
„Soll Sanna Winter die Strategie ändern? Unsere Experten antworten.“
Juni 2020
Articles in the changement! Magazin
„7 Erfolgsfaktoren und Hebel, wie Führungskräfte digital fit werden“
„Was digital fitte Führungskräfte ausmacht“
„Erfolgreich im remote Team und im Homeoffice – Weit mehr als der Einsatz von Tools“
Expert for GenAI at VAIA (Vlaamse AI Academie)
Go to VAIA.

Bestseller Book: "Digital Fitness - Praxiswissen, Skills und Checklisten für die neue hybride Arbeitswelt"
With the digital transformation of the business world managers feel more pressure than ever before: due to the corona crisis, digitalisation, the rise of mobile work, traditional leadership behaviour, and conventional soft skills are being put to the test. Today’s managers increasingly need new skills and competencies.
In the new world of work, executives need more digital „fitness.“ This book offers a comprehensive development concept for acquiring these skills and thus better mastering the new challenges. It provides tips, checklists, and reflection questions that managers can use to bring themselves and their employees into the digital age in the best possible way.
You will find more information, a reading sample, and a table of contents here.
This book is available in German only.

Book: Führung und Zusammenarbeit im hybriden Team
This book provides managers with practical tools for building the necessary skills and mindset to successfully shape the hybrid and digital work environment.
You will find more information hier.
This book is available in German only.
Charity - Giving back
It is very important to me to be grateful for everything and to give back. That’s why I’m involved in certain charity associations or donate part of my turnover.

Abaana Afrika e.V. is a German children’s aid organisation that supports poor children in Uganda, primarily by arranging school sponsorships. I support school children in the Happy Kids programme by financing school meals (often the only warm meal available). Furthermore, I finance professional training for young people and young adults through the Happy Trainees programme. In addition, as a supporter of the association, I help the association to cover administration costs.
Visit the website: abaana.de